Report GIHF-AI Conference 2024: Three Years of German Israeli Digital Health Cooperation

On June 24-25, 2024, the German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI), an initiative of the European Leadership Network (ELNET), held its annual conference in Berlin. More than 120 German and Israeli medical professionals, patient advocates, policymakers, and stakeholders from the digital health business ecosystem gathered for two days to discuss digital health and AI regulation, develop project ideas, and form new bonds.

The third conference of the German-Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health, summed up three years of strong cooperation between Germany’s and Israel’s digital health ecosystems. It included close collaboration between both Ministries of Health, several university hospitals, HMOs, and other institutional stakeholders. The interdisciplinarity, innovation spirit, and willingness to learn and develop together could be felt throughout the conference. To continue and enhance the cooperation between both countries, ELNET aims to extend its activities within the framework of GIHF-AI to more European countries. At the same time, a special effort is laid upon the extension of collaboration between Israeli and German university hospitals and other relevant healthcare institutions. 

This publication summarizes the program and provides political recommendations derived from the keynotes, breakout sessions on “Digital Mental Health”, “Ethics and Trust in AI”, as well as “Health & Data Literacy”, and panel discussions of the GIHF-AI conference.