The GERMAN ISRAELI HEALTH FORUM FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (GIHF-AI) connects experts from Germany and Israel in the field of Digital Health with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). GIHF-AI is an initiative by ELNET-Germany.


The digitalization of the healthcare system is one of the central challenges of our time. The digitalization of the healthcare system is one of the central challenges of our time. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, among other things, offers enormous opportunities for improving general health. Germany and Israel can learn a lot from each other and shape the future together.

Minister Horowitz and Minister Spahn and Prof. Dr. Claudia Schmidtke
GIHF-AI Kick-off event in 2021 (f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dr. Claudia Schmidtke, former German Federal Commissioner for Patients' Affairs; Jens Spahn, former German Federal Minister of Health; Nitzan Horowitz, former Israeli Minister of Health)
GIHF-AI Kickoff
GIHF-AI Kick-off Event in 2021 (f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dr. Heyo Kroemer, Chairman of the Charité; Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, Director of Public Health at the Israeli Ministry of Health; Carsten Ovens, CEO of ELNET (DACH); Prof. Dr. Ron Milo, Chairman of the Department of Neurology of the Barzilai Medical Centre; Prof. Dr. Stephanie Kaiser, CPO of DigitalService)


The German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI) was founded by ELNET Germany in 2021. At the center of the forum lies the digitalization of the healthcare system with a focus on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The aim is to develop recommendations for action for German politics through dialogue formats and annual conferences as well as regular publications. These deal with three core areas: technology and security, regulation, and communication and trust.

Building bridges

Israel’s health system has been successively digitalized for over 25 years. Over 700 startups were created. GIHF-AI should transfer knowledge accordingly and identify synergies with Germany. The program is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and also serves the purpose of building new bridges between the two countries. In the future, GIHF-AI should also include other European nations.

GIHF-AI Conference 2022
Participants of the 1st GIHF-AI conference in Tel Aviv

An initiative by ELNET Germany e.V.

ELNET Deutschland


GIHF-AI is an initiative of ELNET-Germany, a think tank and network organization in the context of European-Israeli relations. We work independently and across party lines on the basis of shared democratic interests and values. A better mutual understanding is promoted through networking and information exchange. Since it was founded in 2007, ELNET has focused its work on the areas of foreign and security policy, anti-semitism and innovation. Another innovation project is the German Israeli Network of Startups & Mittelstand (GINSUM).