The digitalization of the healthcare system is one of the central challenges of our time. Thereby, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), among other things, offer enormous opportunities for improving general health. Against this background, ELNET-Germany founded the German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence. Because Germany and Israel can learn a lot from each other in the field of eHealth and shape the future together.

The German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence enables the exchange of knowledge and experience between Germany and Israel in the field of digital health. It places a special focus on digital health applications that use artificial intelligence and machine learning. The forum brings together experts from science, medicine, industry, research, and politics who are committed to modern, innovative, and patient-oriented medical care.

Through workshops, dialogue formats, and annual conferences as well as regular publications, dealing with the three core areas of technology and security, regulation, and communication and trust, GIHF-AI develops policy recommendations for legislators.

Digital Health Delegation to Tel Aviv (9.-13.09.2024)

The collaboration between Germany and Israel has been remarkably fruitful, as German Health Minister Lauterbach noted at the GIHF-AI Conference 2024: “I remember sitting with Ran Balicer, drawing on a…

GIHF-AI looks back at 2023

With this brochure, we provide a look back at the year 2023 from the perspective of the German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI). It summarizes the policy briefings, roundtable reports, including policy recommendations, and statements produced over the course of a year.

GIHF-AI Conference 2024 in Berlin

The German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI) is holding its third annual conference in Berlin from June 24 to 25. German and Israeli digital health stakeholders from politics, business, science, medicine and research are expected to attend.

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