GIHF-AI Study 2023: Trust in the Use of Health Data
To measure the willingness to provide digital health data for research and care management, 2,052 citizens in Germany and Israel were surveyed in mid-2023 for a first direct comparison in the context of GIHF-AI with surprising results.

Report GIHF-AI Digital Mental Health: Addressing Israel’s Critical Mental Health Needs Post 10/7
This report is a summary of the assessments discussed during the roundtable on addressing Israel’s needs
in the area of mental health after October 7.

Mental Health in Times of War
The GIHF-AI Policy Briefing on Mental Health and Digital Mental Health, highlights the impact of the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023 and the subsequent war on the Israeli population. It highlights both the psychological effects and the enormous challenges for the Israeli healthcare system.

Report GIHF-AI Conference 2023: Health data use in Europe and Israel
From 5 until 6 September, 2023, the German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI) hosted its second annual conference. This report summarizes the results of the conference and gives political recommendations for action.

Report GIHF-AI Roundtable: Health Data Policies in Israel and Germany
This report is a summary of the recommendations for action developed during the Digital Health Roundtable on the regulation
of health data use and summarizes the recommendations for actions developed.

New digitalisation strategy in Germany and current draft law in Israel
Building on the first policy briefing of the German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI) on regulation for innovation-enabling use of health data in the European and Israeli context, this briefing highlights recent regulatory developments in Germany and Israel.