Report GIHF-AI Roundtable: Implementing FHIR in Healthcare
This report is a summary of the assessments of HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) implementation in healthcare discussed during the roundtable and summarizes the recommendations for action developed.

With FHIR to more use of artificial intelligence in medicine
The Policy Briefing addresses the importance of interoperability for AI training and development in medicine. Special emphasis is being placed on the implementation of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Standard (FHIR).

GIHF-AI Conference 2022 in Tel Aviv: Healthcare of the Future
From 28 until 29 November, 2022, the German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI) hosted its first annual conference. This report summarizes the results of the conference and gives political recommendations for action.

GIHF-AI looks back at the year 2022
With this brochure, we provide a look back at the year 2022 from the perspective of the German Israeli Health Forum for Artificial Intelligence (GIHF-AI). It summarizes the policy briefings, roundtable reports, including policy recommendations, and statements produced over the course of a year.

Report GIHF-AI Roundtable: More trust in the use of AI in medicine
This report is a summary of the assessments discussed during the roundtable on trust in the use of AI in healthcare, with a focus on physician-patient relationships, clear regulation, and evidence-based care.

Trustworthy use of artificial intelligence in healthcare
The Policy Briefing addresses the need for trust in digital innovations such as AI. A particular focus is on the doctor-patient relationship and regulatory proposals for trustworthy AI.